Armageddon book podcast discussion

Armageddon Book Podcast Reveals Bible Truth About End-Time Prophecy

Author James Strand recently participated in a podcast interview about his new book Armageddon: The Great Winepress of God’s Wrath. The interview took place on the God’s Armor Bearer Podcast with Pastor Terry Nance of Impact Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. Two other pastors joined in the discussion. Pastor Tony Mannack from Jubilee Family Church in Batesville, Arkansas, and Pastor Steven Chism from Impact Church.

James Strand gave his testimony on the Armageddon book podcast and talked about how the Armageddon book came to pass. The victorious church, the battle of Armageddon, the last days, and the return of Jesus Christ were topics in this podcast. The Podcast ended with a review of the ABCs of Salvation written by James Strand.

When King Jesus Christ returns to the earth from heaven at his Second coming, will you be on the winning side or the losing side in the battle of Armageddon? If you listen to this podcast, you can find out the answer to this question. It is important for you to know with certainty whose side you are on.

Click the arrow in the red play button below to view the podcast on YouTube. If you don’t already know whose side you will be on during the battle of Armageddon, you can make sure you’re on the winning side!

Pastor Terry Nance interviewing Armageddon book author James Strand on the God’s Armor Bearer weekly podcast.

Additional Information from Armageddon Book Podcast

If you want more information about the book Armageddon: The Great Winepress of God’s Wrath, visit the he publisher’s website:

A free preview of the book Armageddon: The Great Winepress of God’s Wrath can be viewed on Amazon by clicking on this link: Armageddon: The Great Winepress of God Wrath by James Strand.

Book cover image for Armageddon: The Great Winepress of God's Wrath by James Strand and Word Catcher

If you want more information about Impact Church in Sherwood, Arkansas, visit:
Impact Church North Little Rock, Arkansas (

If you want to view additional YouTube videos by Pastor Terry Nance, visit:
God’s Armor Bearer – YouTube

If you want more information about Jubilee Family Church in Batesville, Arkansas, visit:
Jubilee Family Church (

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